If you ever find yourself with a bent wheel, you can sometimes save yourself a few hundred bucks by rounding it out again. The best way to go about this is to use a block of wood between the wheel and the hammer, and hammer the dent out of the wheel.
The block of wood protects the wheel from new dents otherwise left by the hammer face. Take your time, and shape the wheel lip back to where it originally was. You can check your progress as you go by rolling the wheel across a flat surface and watching it for any "dips". If the wheel is round, it will roll in a straight line, if it is out of round, it will "dip" or sway one direction per rotation. Locate the dip, and continue rounding it out using the block of wood.
Once you feel the wheel is back in line, or as close as you can get it, mount the tire and spray some soapy water around the bead surface. The soapy water will bubble up profusely if you have a leak around the bead. If there's no bubbles, and your tire seats properly around the wheel, then you're ready to roll!